Kwaliteitsstandaard atypische parkinsonismen

Pagina 228 1Slight body sway and/or retropulsion with unaided recovery. 2 Moderate body sway and/or deficient postural response; might fall if not caught by examiner. 3 Severe body sway. Very unstable. Tends to lose balance spontaneously. 4 Unable to stand without assistance. 14. Gait 0 Normal. 1 Mildly impaired. 2 Moderately impaired. Walks with difficulty, but requires little or no assistance. 3 Severely impaired. Requires assistance. 4 Cannot walk at all, even with assistance. Total score Part II: Part III: Autonomic Examination Supine blood pressure and heart rate are measured after 2 minutes of rest and again after 2 minutes of standing. Orthostatic symptoms may include light-headedness, dizziness, blurred vision, weakness, fatigue, cognitive impairment, nausea, palpitations, tremulousness, headache, neck and “ coat-hanger ” ache. Systolic blood pressure Supine Standing (2 minutes) Unable to record Diastolic blood pressure Supine Standing (2 minutes) Unable to record Heart rate Supine Standing (2 minutes) Unable to record Orthostatic symptoms Yes No Part IV: Global Disability Scale 1. Completely independent. Able to do all chores with minimal difficulty or impairment. Essentially normal. Unaware of any difficulty. 2. Not completely independent. Needs help with some chores. 3. More dependent. Help with half of chores. Spends a large part of the day with chores. 4. Very dependent. Now and then does a few chores alone or begins alone. Much help needed. 5. Totally dependent and helpless. Bedridden.